Is divorce your best and only option?
Are you finding it impossible to talk with your spouse about the pain in your marriage? Are you worried that your marriage may be heading toward divorce? Many couples assume divorce is inevitable when one spouse is leaning out of the marriage. Faith-Based Discernment Counseling is a caring, respectful, and impartial process to help couples in crisis identify whether divorce is your best and only option before making an irrevocable decision.
By the Numbers
% of spouses with children are open to reconciliation when facing divorce*
number of couples Dr. Russ has walked through this process
% of currently divorced people that say they have regrets about their divorce**
*Family Law Review Sp. 2011 - Interest in reconciliation among divorcing parents by Doherty and Harris
**Poll supervised by Alan Hawkins, Brigham Young University

Partnering With You
Are you looking for a way to help others?
Are you looking for clarity & hope in your marriage?
What is Discernment Counseling?
Discernment Counseling is a short-term reconciliation counseling process that helps couples work through the idea that divorce is not their only option. This process uses a focused set of conversations designed to help you and your spouse clarify your openness to saving your marriage, and what steps are needed to get back on solid ground. Discernment Counseling can help a couple slow down to explore where they are in their marriage and their best next steps.

Hi Friend,
My name is Russ Berg and together we can offer hope & clarity to couples facing divorce. With over 40 years experience in pastoral ministry and a D.Min in Marriage and Family Ministry, I’ve developed a passion and a process for helping couples who are facing divorce and training ministry leaders to lead other couples through the Faith-Based Discernment Counseling process.
Book an Appointment Online
We schedule Faith-Based Discernment Counseling sessions Mondays and Tuesdays from 3-7pm. We schedule Faith-Based Discernment Counseling sessions on Tuesdays at Westbridge Church (11600 Frankfort Parkway - St Michael, MN 55376 ) from 3-7 pm.
We are not able to take insurance and if finances are an issue, please email Russ directly and we will try our best to help.

“I definitely have many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Back in August and September, I wasn’t confident or hopeful that I would be spending this Thanksgiving as a married couple. I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing my husband and me closer together and for your Faith-Based Discernment Counseling and compassion. ”
Ready to get started?
Whether you are a couple needing to process whether divorce is your best and only option, or are interested in being trained in the process yourself, we’re here to help. Simply complete our connection form and we’ll be in touch to schedule a phone consultation meeting.